Prep: 10min | Cooking: 30min
Complexity: 1/5

(serves 4)
2 tsp coconut oil
2 tbsp Thai red curry paste, or 2 tsp powder
400-500ml coconut milk
5 cups vegetable stock
1 large lemongrass stalk, trimmed and cut to 2" pieces, or 3 such pieces from a jar
fresh ginger, 1 cm cube, grated
1 tsp chilli flakes
3 tbsp fresh lime juice
2 tbsp Asian fish sauce
4 potatoes, diced
2 carrot, diced
200g white champignons, thinly sliced
2 tbp chopped basil
1 cup bulgur
Heat oil in soup pot.
Add curry paste or powder to the sauce in the pot, the ginger and chilli flakes. Pour in the coconut milk once fragrant - careful not to burn! Add 750ml vegetable stock, lemongrass if using, lime juice, 1/2 tsp salt, and the fish sauce. Once simmering, add the potatoes and carrot. Simmer, covered, 15 min.
Taste to check level of spice. Pour the remaining 250ml of stock (or water) to dilute it a little from what it currently is, and season with a little more salt. Add more chilli if desired.
Remove the lemongrass if used.
Add the bulgur, and simmer, covered 10 min.
Add the mushrooms and basil. Simmer, covered, 5 more min.
Season to taste and serve.